Picking An Ideal Weight Reduction Medication For Your Patient Needs Careful Consideration

Press release: 01 August, 2021: The expected weight loss for each of these medications is between 5 and 10 percent. While weight loss is a top priority, it is not the only factor to consider when choosing a medication. Healthcare professionals should be aware of three main areas: the patient's factors in addition to drug and factors affecting the doctor.

Drug Factors. Drug Factors are a careful review of the drug's contraindications , warnings, potential additional health benefits (dual advantage) for patients, as well as information from studies of patient populations. For instance, phentermine is not recommended for patients suffering from hypertension that is not controlled and naltrexone/bupropion SR should be avoided in the case of a patient suffering from seizure disorder. Lorcaserin is to be taken with caution for patients already taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) since lorcaserin is a serotonergic agonist and can impact the same pathways in the same way as SSRIs.

A patient who has been a smoker in the past may be able to buy clenbuterol online SR/naltrexoneSSR. This could aid in losing weight and quit smoking. For a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus, might consider lorcaserin or liraglutide injection for rDNA since they have been proven to reduce hemoglobin A1c (HA1c). Phentermine/topiramate ER is on the top of the list when it comes to treating a patient with obesity who suffers from migraines.

Patient factors. Patient factors include patient preferences. One patient may be more comfortable taking an injectable drug in comparison to another. Some patients might prefer taking a tablet. It is essential to engage in conversations with patients and listen to their concerns. Do they feel comfortable that they'll remember to take a pill twice a day? Are there any options that have potential adverse events that the patient should avoid due to a medical background or previous experience with similar treatments? Take note of which medicine is most suitable for the patient given their insurance coverage. Some providers offer samples and coupons as well, so conduct your own study and use the resources available.

Physician factors. The factors of a physician include knowledge and comfort, which are tied to the drug-related factors. The providers must be aware of all available options for treating obesity, including medication. Education can lead to better knowledge of medication and a greater comfort level when prescribing the appropriate medication.

Obesity can be a complicated illness. The use of medication, similar to diet and exercise, is not suited for all. Different patients respond differently to different drugs. The doctor should think about different options in the event that one does not work.

The best option for treating overweight is to employ medication in conjunction with lifestyle modification. Believe that the formula for success with treatment with pharmacotherapy is exactly the same as with diet, lifestyle modification, and weight loss surgery. Do your best to pair the patient with the right treatment modality and then help to manage his or her expectations.

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